CfP: 5th Multimedia Metadata Community Workshop
April 28, 2021 on 10:02 am | | In General, MPEG-21, MPEG-7 | No CommentsThe Multimedia Metadata Community aims at bringing together experts from research and industry in the area of multimedia meta data interoperability for collaborative working environments. By establishing a community of professionals it is intended to bridge the gap between an academic research and an industrial scale development of innovative products for natural collaboration, with a strong focus on MPEG-7 & MPEG-21.
In the line of these goals, the 5th Multimedia Metadata Community Workshop takes place during the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, the I-Know 06, 6-9th September 2006, Graz Austria, which focuses on applications and experience reports of multimedia metadata standards in industry and research. See the full CfP here. Deadline is May, the 7th 2006.
Caliph & Emir Status Update
April 20, 2021 on 8:33 am | | In CaliphEmir, Dev, General | No CommentsAs there has not been a release in the last month I want to give a small status update here: Currently I’m working on an evaluation of Emir’s methods for retrieval of semantic descriptions coded in MPEG-7. Some of the methods have also been developed further, which is reflected in the repository visualization. The results of the evaluation will be published in my PhD. Based on the outcome of the evaluation the standard configuration of Emir will be tuned for the next release. Besides this there are only small bug fixes on the way
CfP: I-KNOW ‘06 Special Track on Advanced Semantic Technologies 2006
April 4, 2021 on 8:59 am | | In General | No CommentsThe deadline for paper submissions for the AST Special Track at the I-Know 06 has been extended: Submissions are welcome until the 17th of April. For more information, the call for papers and the link to the submission site please visit the AST homepage.
The I-KNOW‘06 Special Track on Advanced Semantic Technologies addresses the emerging field of semantic technologies in knowledge management and information retrieval. Original papers are solicited and will be reviewed by a board of international experts.
Continue reading CfP: I-KNOW ‘06 Special Track on Advanced Semantic Technologies 2006…
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