Caliph & Emir 0.9.23 Released
July 31, 2021 on 8:00 am | | In CaliphEmir, General, Releases | Comments OffThis release focuses on the visualization of repositories and search results in Emir. Alt + mouse wheel now changes size of thumbnails in the visualization and the movement within the visualization has been fixed. It further includes library updates and a new demo mode (endless loop of iterative arrangement in visualization) in Emir.
The new release can be downloaded at sourceforge:
- CaliphEmir_v0.9.23-bin.tar.bz2
- CaliphEmirSetup_v0.9.23_build339.exe
Visualization Demo Video Online
July 18, 2021 on 9:22 am | | In CaliphEmir, General, MPEG-7 | Comments OffThe demo session on the 77th MPEG Meeting was quite a success, many people were interested in the visualization. Many talks about standardisation, surveillance and other things where visual analysis could be needed took place at the demo desk. After the demo session I was asked to record a video of the visualization of Emir. Well that was easy. I’ve published the video here, optional download here. >> Watch the video
CfP MEDICHI 2007: Methodic and Didactic Challanges of the History of Informatics
July 13, 2021 on 7:43 am | | In General | No CommentsA workshop on the history of informatics takes place in April 2007 in Klagenfurt Austria. The workshop is organized by the ITEC institute of the Klagenfurt University and the Austrian Computer Society. The full CfP is available at the website:
Emir Demo at the 77th MPEG Meeting
July 10, 2021 on 1:36 pm | | In General | No CommentsI’m proud to announe that Emir will be demonstrated at the 77th MPEG Meeting in Klagenfurt on Monday, 17th of July. I will show the visualization capabilities of Emir in detail, especially the MDS (multidimensional scaling) part. Meet me there with my Notebook, if you miss it: Photos will be posted on Flickr.
© 2004-2010 by Mathias Lux
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