6 Word SciFi

July 27, 2021 on 12:14 pm | | In 6word, Fun, General, SciFi | No Comments

Another 6 word SciFi story creation of mine:

Brain plug installation requirements: Existing brain.

See all (only 2 at this time) listed here.

Trying out JavaFX (and the NetBeans JavaFX Plugin)

July 24, 2021 on 8:42 pm | | In Java, JavaFX, Netbeans, Software | 3 Comments

I took the news on the updated NetBeans plugin for JavaFX as impulse to try it out at last: JavaFX has been buzzing around for some months now. So long Adobe/Macromedia Flash has been the only choice for interactive graphically intensive and multimedia application. Well I know that there is SVG and SMIL, but I also know that those two can’t compete with Flash (I spare out a ‘yet’ … how long do we have to wait?). With JavaFX and Microsoft Silverlight there are two competitors on the scene. However I cannot try the latter one - I didn’t find an Ubuntu download :) JavaFX however is looking cool: The demo / tutorial from openjfx.dev.java.net shows a lot of nice effects and features.

Continue reading Trying out JavaFX (and the NetBeans JavaFX Plugin)…

WWW 2006 Tagging Workshop Proceedings [Update]

July 23, 2021 on 10:37 am | | In Research, Retrieval, search, Social Software, Web2.0 | No Comments

As Frank Smadja pointed out here (see comment) the original proceedings of the tagging workshop @ WWW 2006 site is down. Luckily the files are not lost, but mirrored here:

Creating Mosaic Images with LIRe

July 19, 2021 on 2:18 pm | | In Flash, Lire, LireDemo, Mosaic, Software, Tutorial, Video | No Comments

mosaic-example.pngAs already noted in the last post, LireDemo - the Swing based demonstrator of the capabilities of the LIRe library - includes now a mosaic creation option. So what actually is the mosaic? Let’s explain it this way: You have one input image, which should be resented through multiple other images (in the index). The mosaic image tries to look like the input image but replaces segments of the input image with images from the index. The example in above image shows the input image left and the mosaic on the right hand side (click for a larger version). Special thanks got to Lukas Esterle and Manuel Warum, who contributed the mosaic-engine!

So how can one make such an mosaic image: (i) A first step is to select an input image. (ii) Then configure the number of tiles per row and column of the mosaic. (iii) Click “Start” to run the mosaic  engine. (iv) After some processing time, which can be rather long depending on the number of tiles and the size of the input image you will see the result. (v) Save using the button on the bottom right corner.

For visual people I’ve put together a flash tutorial:


LIRe 0.5.4 Released

July 10, 2021 on 10:17 am | | In CaliphEmir, Java, Library, Lire, Release, Releases, Retrieval, Software | No Comments

mosaic.pngIn Lire 0.5.4 some bugs were fixed: The scalable color descriptor (color histogram) was not compliant to the MPEG-7 standard, which is now fixed. The color only search was changed to use the color layout descriptor and a bug in the edge histogram descriptor was hunted down.

Note that you have to re-index your files: Your old index cannot be used with the new version as 2 descriptors have changed. Furthermore all binary files have been compiled with Java 6.0. So if you need a Java 1.5 version you’ll need to recompile yourself (ant build file is included) and include the swing layout class library from NetBeans.

The LireDemo GUI application has also been updated: A new function for creating image mosaics has been introduced and the indexing of digital photos is now faster than ever as only the EXIF thumbnails - if available - are used instead of the whole image.

Go to the LIRe page for download links and further information.

Caliph & Emir v0.9.25 released

July 6, 2021 on 3:25 pm | | In CaliphEmir, Releases, Software | No Comments

Caliph & Emir 0.9.25 is mainly a maintainance release: There were some bugs in the content based image retrieval classes. Scalable Color descriptor extraction was fixed and yields now the same results as the MPEG-7 reference software. Furthermore ppm and bmp images are now supported. Note that Java 6.0 is required for the binary version and 1.5 for building it yourself.

The Scalable Color Descriptor was fixed: Now it matches the XM implementation (thanks to Fabrizio Falchi and Bastian Hoesch). EdgeHistogramImpl has also been updated according to a bug report & patch by Bastian Hoesch. Furthermore the DominantColor class was adapted based on suggestions by Janine Lachner. New feature is the support for ppm and bmp images.

Binaries, source and an installer for windows can be downloaded on sourceforge.net.

6 Word SciFi

July 6, 2021 on 11:01 am | | In 6word, Fun, General, SciFi | No Comments

Yesterday my friend Markus pointed out the art of writing 6 word science fiction stories. This movement followed a Wired article, which also contains several great examples from famous authors (like Orson Scott Card, Vernor Vinge, Charles Stross and Stephen Baxter).

Well here is mine:

 Computer! Initiate Medical Treatment! No! ARG!

NetBeans 6.0 M10 Available

July 3, 2021 on 10:44 am | | In Java, Netbeans, Release, Software | No Comments

NetBeans 6.0 Milestone 10 is now available. According to Roumen’s blog its the last milestone, so expect a beta release after this one. You will find the original announcement here. Updates (excerpt from the announcement) include:

  • Ruby Debugger enhancements (global vars, watch view, locals view)
  • Plugin Manager allows you to distribute groups of IDE components (for example Ruby, SOA)
  • Visual Designer has new look and feel
  • More Ajax enabled components from Project Woodstock
  • Struts 1.3.x files are recognized by the IDE
  • UML Source Code Synchronization

There is also a complete list of NetBeans IDE 6.0 Milestone 10 (M10) features and enhancements available.

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