First impressions of the ACM Multimedia 2008

October 30, 2021 on 12:47 am | | In Conference, General | No Comments

Yesterday the ACM Multimedia 2008 started here in Vancouver. In contrast to last years conference it takes place in a luxury hotel, whereas many researchers have booked one of the surrounding less expensive hotels :) The conference started with a rather disappointing keynote. It did not meet my expectations in novelty and importance of topic. The best paper session however was better, especially the 4th presentation on the Flickr distance by a Microsoft guy ;)

The program of the first two days was somewhat crowded. Short papers, represented by posters, where presented in a small romm in parallell to 3 parallel main sessions. So one has a tight schedule around here.

At the ACM business meeting we (the ITEC @ Klagenfurt University) placed our bid for hosting the conference in 2010. Although our presentation was great we have strong competitors from Firenze. Decision is made in the next few days, perhaps even this evening.

This was the first of three things I’m here for in Vancouver. Tomorrow, on the last day of the main conference I’m going to present LIRe in the open source track and on Friday I’m going to present the joint research work of Oge Marques and me. Stay tuned I’ll post the slides

Lire 0.7 Released

October 23, 2021 on 9:27 am | | In CaliphEmir, General, Lire, LireDemo, Release, Releases, Retrieval, Software | 1 Comment

Lire 0.7 is a major release fixing a lot of bugs and introducing several new features including new descriptor, a simplified way to use descriptors by introducing new generic searchers and indexers as well as an generalized interface for image descriptors. There are also several improvements in indexing and search speed (especially in autocolorcorrelogram). Furthermore retrieval performance was optimized based on the Wang 1000 data set. If you use Lire 0.7 to update an existing version, please make sure that your indices are created newly from scratch. All new features have also found their way into LireDemo, which now also supports multi-threaded indexing.
Thanks for comments, code and general comments go again to Savvas Chatzichristofis, Rodrigo Carvalho Rezende, Marko Keuschnig, Christian Penz, Oge Marques, Anna-Maria Pasterk and Christoph Kofler.


  • Download Lire 0.7 and/or LireDemo 0.7
  • Screencast: Introduction to LireDemo

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