Stanley Fubar is not the only option …
March 20, 2021 on 9:52 am | | In General | No CommentsYou don’t know what I’m talking about? Some year ago I discovered the obviously (but for no reason) great tool: the Stanley FatMax Xtreme FuBar. Those of you knowing me might remember me talking about getting one of these for my office However, now I discovered a new and mighty “door-smashing, get-me-the-heck-into/outta-here, zombie-fightin’ tool” (as Cool Tools put it). The Halligan Bar looks even more like a tool one must have (actually also obviously but for no reason).
- Stanley FatMax Xtreme comercial
WMM’09 - Multimedia Metadata Community Workshop
March 20, 2021 on 9:25 am | | In Conference | No CommentsNow in the 2nd day of the workshop one can call this event definitely a successful one! currently the PhD session is advancing with very intersting projects and - hopefully - constructive critics. Yesterday many interesting projects have triggered lively research discussion. Today I’m looking forward to visiting Airbus
- Online proceedings
Student Big Days first time at Klagenfurt University
March 2, 2021 on 9:35 pm | | In CfP, Conference | No CommentsOn April 1st Microsoft organizes its roadshow “Student Big Days” in Klagenfurt. From 16.00 to 19.30 there are three sessions and afterwards there is a lot of time to talk to the speakers at a buffet. Horst Kandutsch assured that there will be numerous goodies for participants
You can find more information here (sorry, German only). Please register to give the organizers a chance to get enough food and drinks
- Student Big Days
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