ACM Multimedia 2009: Project Natal in the Brave New Topics Session …

October 21, 2021 on 8:19 am | Tags: , , , | In General | No Comments

Yesterday the “brave new topics” session took place. Initially it was meant to present challenging ideas and new things without the demand for extensive evaluation or being picky or realistic. Hrvoje Benko from Microsoft presented a lot of things regarding new output and input interfaces and closed his presentation with the ad for Project Natal. While some of the audience were astonished I still have to point out that especially the multimedia research community has to get a bit closer to gaming. Many of the engineered solutions there can be applied to common problems in multimedia and the other way round. At GDC europe people said problem in game developments are streaming and asset management. On the other hand gaming provides us with cool I/O devices (Dualshock, Sixaxis, Wiimote, etc.) So get together guys :-D

Caliph & Emir @ ACM MM - Presentation on Thursday

October 20, 2021 on 5:17 am | Tags: , , | In General | 2 Comments

I’m currently attending the ACM Multimedia conference in Beijing (nice city by the way, one only has to survive traffic). Tomorrow is out big day for our user intent classification tool “Intent inside” and the day after Claiph and Emir are presented by myself. If you are also her, I’d be happy to meet & greet and talk about further developments, etc.

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