We all know that setting up a server application is a huge pain in the ass, but there’s hope: Docker is an open source project for packaging those things and making them runnable within containers. Only thing one needs to do is to create an image, which then can be used to create a container.
LireSolr now provides such a Docker image on Docker Hub. Basically you can install Docker, then use the docker command in the shell (Linux) or the PowerShell (MS Windows) to automatically download and run a container based on the image with a single command:
$> docker run -p 8983:8983 dermotte/liresolr:latest
What you need to do then is to index some images and take a look at the sample application. A detailed step-by-step howto is provided in the documentation.
- Documentation in the LireSolr Docker image
- LireSolr at Docker Hub