Tag Archives: proceedings

Why did you record this video? – An Exploratory Study on User Intentions for Video Production.

Why do people record videos and share them? While the question seems to be simple, user intentions have not yet been investigated for video production and sharing. A general taxonomy would lead to adapted information systems and multimedia interfaces tailored to the users’ intentions. We contribute (1) an exploratory user study with 20 participants, examining the various facets of user intentions for video production and sharing in detail and (2) a novel set of user intention clusters for video production, grounded empirically in our study results. We further reflect existing work in specialized domains (i.e. video blogging and mobile phone cameras) and show that prevailing models used in other multimedia fields (e.g. photography) cannot be used as-is to reason about video recording and sharing intentions.

This paper has been published and presented at WIAMIS 2012.

Authors: Mathias Lux & Jochen Huber


  • slides
  • preprint
  • more infos on intentions …

WS on Multimedia Metadata (WMM’09) - Proceedings

Just in case someone missed it: the workshop proceedings of our last multimedia community workshop:

  • Case Studies on Context-aware Mobile Multimedia Services -Timo Ojala
  • Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems - Reviewing and Benchmarking -Harald Kosch and Paul Maier
  • Delivery Context Descriptions - A Comparison and Mapping Model -Christian Timmerer, Johannes Jabornig, and Hermann Hellwagner
  • A Novel Tool for Quick Video Summarization using Keyframe Extraction Techniques -Mathias Lux, Klaus Schöffmann, Oge Marques, and Laszlo Böszörmenyi
  • Authoring Interactive Mobile Services Using MPEG-7 and MPEG-4 LASeR -Albert Hofmann, Andreas Kriechbaum, and Werner Bailer
  • An User Study on Rich Media Mobile Guide Applications - Omar Choudary, Benoit Baccot, Romulus Grigoras, Vincent Charvillat
  • What Algorithms for Urban Routing on Mobile Devices? -Tristram Gräbener, Alain Berro, and Yves Duthen
  • Towards the Use of Multimedia Contents to Represent Events in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks - Nicolas Cenerario, Thierry Delot, Sergio Ilarri
  • A Multimedia Service with MPEG-7 Metadata and Context Semantics - Yiwei Cao, Ralf Klamma, and Maziar Khodaei
  • A Standards-Based Generic Approach for Complex Multimedia Management -Anna Carreras, Ruben Tous, Eva Rodríguez, Jaime Delgado, Giovanni Cordara, Gianluca Francini, and Diego Gibellino
  • Contribution to the Modelling of Multimedia Metadata in a Distributed Architecture -Ana-Maria Manzat, Florence Sedes, and Romulus Grigoras
  • Media Center Oriented Linux Operating System -Tudor Miu, Olivia Stanescu, Ana Constantin, Sorin Lacriteanu, Roxana Grigore, Domnina Burca, Tudor Constantinescu, and Alexandru Radovici
  • A Multi-level Access Control Scheme For Multimedia Database - Vanessa El-Khoury

via CEUR-WS.org/Vol-441 - Multimedia Metadata (WMM’09).

CSKGOI Proceedings Online @ CEUR-WS

Last Monday the post proceedings of the Common Sense and Goal Oriented Interfaces Workshop (CSKGOI 08) in January in Gran Canaria went online. We chose the Ceur Workshop Proceedings server for post publication. It’s an open access server with a rather easy submission procedure and papers normally get indexed by Google Scholar and Citeseer. All papers are available along with a nice short preface as Vol. 323: